Shamanic Healing & Shamanic Healing episodes

from the podcast Awaken Your Inner Wisdom

Below is a selection of episodes which are relevant to the Path of Shamanic Energy Medicine.

You can listen to more episodes here.

  • Meeting the Loving Witch of Magic

    In this episode you’ll meet a lovely lady, who's longing to follow the path of feminine magic, but she feels her mind is stopping her. It’s as if something is holding her back.

    Through the linguistic part of our session, she discovers that she has a deep fear of stepping into her feminine magic, because she fears how it can be misused, and to protect the purity of this magic, she’s buried it deep within.

    As I track what's going on in the mythical landscape of her soul, I can witness how there’s an energy holding her in a tight grip, preventing her from moving on to the path of her Highest Destiny - which is the path of feminine magic! It’s so clear that this is what her soul really longs for her to step into.

    We then set off on our shamanic journey together, where she begins to realise that it’s now safe for her to awaken this powerful, ancient feminine magic within her, so she can create more light and magic and goodness in the world.

  • Finding Your Magic

    In this episode, you'll meet a lovely lady who's feeling pretty stuck in a dark place, and disconnected from her loved ones.

    Through the initial linguistic part of our session, she starts to discover what it is that she needs to connect with in order for her to shift, transform, and heal this.

    I then track the problem energy, where I discover how this energy is holding her in a bind, and I also track the steps we need to journey through in order for her to heal this.

    I recommend listening to this episode with your eyes closed, being totally present, so you allow yourself to go on a journey with us, as this healing session may also bring up things that you might want to witness and transform and heal - and as you journey with us, you begin to heal this within you too.

  • Reclaiming Your Soul's Light

    In this episode you'll meet a lovely lady, who’s feeling trapped and really stuck - as if she can’t move forward in life. She’s frustrated, and at times she feels helpless and totally drained of energy.

    Through the linguistic part of the session, she discovers how this is like an old story that’s been passed down to her. She begins to see the threads of this old story that are now poisoning her, and also the positive threads she wants to weave into the New Story of her life - threads she's now choosing.

    As I track her, I can see how she’s being held in a bind - a really strong one - and as we go on this shamanic journey together, she begins to release this, so she instead can embrace the medicine that's waiting for her. She also moves through a soul retrieval, where she gets her soul’s light, magic and voice back.

    I recommend that you listen to this episode with your eyes closed, being totally present, so you allow yourself to go on a journey with us, as this healing session may also bring up things that you may want to witness and transform and heal within you - and as you journey with us, you begin to heal too.

  • Awaken Your Soul’s Ancient Wisdom

    In this episode in our shamanic healing series, you'll meet a lovely lady who's feeling really tired, and with a heavy sadness in her heart, causing her heart to contract. 

    She’s terrified of walking her path - the path where she’s helping others in a deep way - but in order for her to walk this path, she has to wake up to the truth of who she truly is. 

    In my tracking (which this time is of the Tree of Life), I can witness how she’s buried aspects of her soul’s light in her roots on the left (feminine), and how she needs to WAKE HER UP!

    As she moves through the shamanic healing journey, she awakens her feminine power and ancient wisdom, and she also begins to realise the Mighty Beings that are walking beside her.

  • Walking with Giants

    In this episode in our shamanic healing series, you'll meet a lovely lady who's feeling attacked, where she gets the blame although she hasn’t done anything wrong. It’s as if she’s being persecuted. 

    Now, an energy within her is beginning to rise, telling her that this is no longer acceptable. This is the energy of the feminine, and it’s longing to RISE within her.

    In my tracking, I begin to witness how this problem energy is affecting her in the mythical landscape of her soul. It’s an energy that’s revealing the deep wounds in both her inner masculine and feminine, and we are being taken on a very magical journey, where she moves through a deep transformation and healing.

    In the end, her inner feminine transforms into a giantess, and her inner masculine becomes a giant. So, as she continues on her path through life, following her heart, she now walks with two giants beside her (plus her whole Spirit Team).

  • Your Body is a Portal

    In this episode in our shamanic healing series, you'll meet a lovely lady who's feeling that her body is her enemy, and this is stopping her from living a life. It’s also stopping her from stepping into service to the world, as she is unable to tap into her full power.

    Through our linguistic part of the session, we start to see how this is a pattern of a deeper conflict between the mind and the body, the masculine and the feminine.

    In my tracking, I can see how this energy is linked with how the feminine has been trapped in layers of abuse, suppression and violation from the masculine, from patriarchy.

    Through our shamanic healing journey, she begins to release this, to shed this, so she instead can embrace the power and light of the feminine - which in this session appears as a similar energy as the Valkyries from the Norse tradition.

  • Step into the light

    In this episode in our Shamanic Healing Series you’ll meet a lovely lady who’s feeling dizzy, and disconnected from life. As we dive deeper, we discover that she has a fear of stepping into her light, and how this fear is linked with an old wound held in her ancestral lineage, going all the way back to the witch trials.

    In this particular session, we're just using healing linguistics, so there’s no shamanic healing.

    I'm sharing it here on the podcast as it shows how, by getting us to question what is actually happening within us, by getting us to witness what it is that our body is trying to communicate with us, we can start to tap into the medicine that will help us heal.

    I recommend you listen to the episode with your eyes closed, so you can come with us on this journey as we discover the medicine she needs so she can stop hiding in the shadows and instead step into the light.

  • Marrying the Mind and Soul, Feminine and Masculine in a session

    In this episode I'm sharing why we structure a Shamanic Healing Session into four parts - questioning, tracking, shamanic healing and mythic mapping.

    The questioning part of the session is to help the client find more clarity in their mind.

    The tracking part of the session is for the shamanic practitioner to find more clarity in what is going in the mythical landscape of the soul of her client

    The shamanic healing part of the session is when the practitioner guides the client into her body, into the domain of her soul and the feminine.

    The mythic mapping part of the session is when the client now can weave a new map for her future, a map that marries the mind & soul, masculine & feminine.

  • Heal deeply and move through a Soul Retrieval with the Norse Dark Goddess Ran

    This episode is from a journey I did with my shamanic energy medicine students, where you meet the Norse Dark Goddess Ran.

    Ran will guide you on a very healing journey, and she also takes you through a soul retrieval process, where you connect with the light-filled essence of who you truly are.

    You will also meet the Norse Dark Goddess Hel, who helps you to become more whole, as she is a portal of life, death and rebirth.

    You’ll also meet the Norse goddess Freya, who is a powerful healer, witch, high priestess and the First Völva, which is a female shaman in the Norse tradition. Freya represents the light in our soul – so she is the essence of our light-filled magic, feminine wisdom and power.

    This shamanic journey guides you deep into the mythical landscape of your soul - and it is perfect to do now as we journey into the cauldron of the sacred darkness of Samhain.

  • Meet Freya, the Norse Goddess of Magic, Healing and Witchcraft

    Meet Freya, the Norse goddess of healing, magic, wisdom, love, fertility, war, death and rebirth. She will take you on a very healing journey where you start to awaken your inner magic.

    Freya has sometimes been called the Queen of Witches and the Queen of the Valkyries – and she represents the wild feminine presence within our core, the golden light of our feminine magic and wisdom.

    Freya is a teacher of Seidr - a very powerful form of Norse magic and shamanic healing, which was practised by völvas (female shamanic priestesses in the Norse tradition), and Freya was their teacher. They are called völvas because they had a staff – völva means staff carrier – and this staff is a representation of the Tree of Life, which helps us journey into the different domains of reality.

    In this episode I first go through a talk about Freya, and then, in our shamanic journey, you’ll step onboard Freya’s ship, Sessrumnir, and she’ll journey with you into the World of Spirit, helping you to connect with your inner feminine light, magic and wisdom.

  • Healing and Cleansing Meditation with the Dark Mother

    In this gentle, healing and cleansing shamanic journey you’ll meet the Dark Mother and her daughters, the Dark Goddesses.

    You’ll also connect with the Tree of Life, and with the sacred wells of Glastonbury; the White Spring, which is the sacred well of the Divine Masculine; the Red Spring which is the sacred well of the Divine Feminine, and the Dark Well, which is the sacred well of the Dark Mother, so you can come home to her love for you.

    At the end of the journey you’ll receive messages from the Divine Mother on how you may serve the Divine Feminine, so you can share Her healing wisdom with others.

  • Weave a New Story into Being

    Meet the Norse Goddess Saga - the goddess who can see into the future by tracking the strands of what is coming.

    In Swedish her name means 'story, so Saga can also help us become free of our old stories, so we instead can weave new stories into being, by becoming more conscious of the energy we infuse into our thoughts, words and actions.

    The shamanic journey is pretty hard-hitting and will absolutely help you shift your focus - from fear to love, and from doubt to trust - so you can weave a new story into being.

Disclaimer: Awaken Your Inner Wisdom Podcast is for educational purposes only. The information, techniques, tools and processes, and any shamanic journeys shared in podcast episodes is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any condition or disease, and it does not replace a diagnosis from a medical doctor or other healthcare professional.

The podcast explores a variety of alternative ways that can result in healing and are based on each author’s personal experience and opinion, but these are for inspirational and informational purposes only, and are not intended to replace advice, or ongoing treatment, from your own doctor or other healthcare professional.

Please seek advice from your doctor or healthcare professional for any concerns regarding your health and wellbeing, prior to taking advice from any of the podcast episodes, as well as if any health concerns arise during listening to any of the episodes (as well as afterwards).

Anyone who chooses to do the work outlined in a podcast episodes, such as the shamanic journeys, must take full responsibility for their own wellbeing and experience.