Level 1: for your own personal development

A journey of healing & transformation

  • Do you want to journey deeper on your spiritual path, where you shed old, outdated ways of being, so you instead can expand into something new?

  • Do you feel your soul calling you to awaken your inner magic and feminine power, so you can help to weave a better world into being?

  • Are you longing to heal your roots and bring through the medicine that comes from your ancestral lineage?


If the answer is yes, then perhaps our

personal development training in shamanic energy medicine

is for you!

This training in shamanic energy medicine will reveal your own shamanic map of the Spirit World, so you can journey safely into different realms of reality, such as the Upper World to receive new visions and dreams, and the Lower World to heal the past, ancestral patterns and the collective.

As you do this healing you’ll awaken your inner Mystic, Healer and Wise Woman.

start walking the path of the

mystic, healer & wise woman



You are walking the path of a mystic, if you’ve had moments in your life when you felt as if you were falling into an overwhelming darkness - the ‘dark night of the soul’ experience - which is more like a dark night of the ego, as it was all the expectations and plans and dreams from the ego that shattered, causing you immense suffering.

Then, as the pain became almost unbearable, you finally turned to Spirit for help, and as you did that, Spirit’s voice could come through, guiding you to the steps you were meant to take to move you out of the darkness and into the light.



You are walking the path of the healer, if you’ve experienced some deep trauma in your life, something that was just too much for you to cope with, and you ended up deeply wounded.

As you healed this wound, you were taken on a healing journey, which revealed to you the medicine you were meant to share with others. You then could see that the event, which caused your wounding, was like a divine messenger sent from your soul to help you awaken to the truth of who you are. And in that awakening you became like the phoenix, rising from the ashes, reborn.


wise woman

As you start walking the path of the Wise Woman you’ll learn how to journey into the deepest darkness and then up into the brightest light, so you can develop the tools needed to become a shamanic journey guide that helps others transform heavy energy, wounding and suffering into light, healing and peace.

Therefore, this training will show you how to journey into the sacred darkness, so you can move through a deep transformation, where you are being reborn into the Wise Woman that you are. And as you do that, you connect with a powerful inner light that is forever shining in your mystical heart - a light that will always guide you in the right direction.

Who is the Dark Divine Feminine?

A brief introduction to the Dark Divine Feminine, and how your nervous system is a portal into the World of Spirit.

the path of the Wise woman

What this training Includes



As soon as you sign up, you gain immediate access to the online training in shamanic energy medicine called Become Your Own Mystic, Healer & Wise Woman.

You’ll move through this online training as part of your home-study pack, so that when you come on the live trainings (online via Zoom) you are ready to go really deep and practice with others, in a safe setting.

You also gain access to an online course in Shamanic NLP and Healing Linguistics.


You’ll meet up with your teachers and soul sisters regularly online, where you’ll then practice various shamanic techniques and processes, such as shamanic healing, soul retrieval, ancestral healing, extraction work, and journeying to find the medicine needed to transform a heavy energy.

Everything is supervised by your teachers, so you can practice with the other students in a safe setting.

These live online training days starts at 2pm UK time until 7.30pm UK time (allowing US students to also be able to participate.

this training will help you

tune into your inner wisdom

  • You’ll learn how to journey between different worlds of reality - such as the Lower World, the Middle World and the Upper World - so you gain access to more insight and wisdom. This will help you make wiser choices.

  • Your spiritual muscle will strengthen, so you can easier shift your perception from focusing on the negatives to instead focusing on the positive solutions.

  • You’ll learn how to receive visions and dreams that are from Spirit, and not from the ego-mind.

  • Your third eye and the spiritual eye in the heart will develop immensely, helping you to track energies that are invisible to your physical eyes, so you can discover what is happening underneath the surface. This helps you make wiser choices.

  • You’ll learn how to use bonfires as a sacred ceremony to release the past and invite the new.

summary of What this training includes 


Online Home Study Course: Mystic, Healer & Wise Woman


You start your training straight away with an online home-study course where you learn the foundations in energy medicine, mysticism and shamanic healing. This course takes you through the four directions of the healing wheel (south, west, north and east).

Online Home Study Course: Shamanic NLP & Healing Linguistics, plus a 4 day NLP Module

You also gain access to the online training in Shamanic NLP and Healing Linguistics, where you learn incredibly powerful coaching techniques and transformational processes. This online course helps you to prepare for the 4-day live Zoom-module in Shamanic NLP, where you’ll practice powerful NLP processes with the other students, under supervision of Karan Maurer, NLP Trainer and Teacher of Shamanic Energy Medicine.

20 days of live training held on Zoom

The ‘live’ online training consists of south, west, north and east modules, plus a clinical module (where you practise shamanic healing on other students, under supervision).

As you move through these modules, you’ll learn how to free yourself from limiting beliefs and old programming, heal deeply held ancestral patterns, release karmic ties and transform old collective energies that are holding you back, so you instead can create a future unlike the past.

You’ll learn how to do shamanic healing, soul retrieval, extraction work, clearing of ancestral programming, and healing of inner conflicts.

You’ll do 6 supervised case studies (from the practical sessions on the live training days, where you take another student through a shamanic healing session), which will deepen your understanding of shamanic energy medicine.

At the end you do a practical exam, and once you’ve passed, you are awarded a Diploma of Attendance in Shamanic Energy Medicine by Nordic Light Institute of Energy Medicine. This diploma will state that this training consists of 300 hours of training (and that it doesn’t give you a qualification to work with others, but it gives you entry to Level 2, which leads to certification).

If you want to also become Certified as a Practitioner and Master Practitioner, so you can work with clients, you then need to also do Level 2.

Lead Teachers

Lead Teachers for Level 1 are Debbie Price and Lindsey Marquez, who are both lead teachers with Cissi.

Once you sign up to secure your place, you’ll be given immediate access to the first initial module of the online trainings.

Cissi will also contact you, for a phone call, so you can ask her any questions you have about the training. If you, after this call, feel the training is not for you, your deposit will be refunded.

You can sign up for Level 2 once you’ve passed the Level 1 training.

Dates for Level 1 in 2025

You can now secure a place in the group which starts in October 2025

South Module -Healing

3-6th October 2025

Begin your healing journey. Learn how to track in different energetic domains, such as Body, Mind, Soul & Spirit, as well as Lower World, Middle World and Upper World. Experience the power of Shamanic Healing.

West Module -Transformation

1-4th November 2025

Meet the Dark Mothers and journey into the Cauldron of Transformation. Deepen your skillset in Shamanic Healing. Learn how to work with the Tree of Life for healing your nervous system and ancestral roots.

North Module -Magic

6-9th December 2025

Journey to the Divine Source to receive new visions, dreams and healing medicine. Learn Healing Linguistics, Transformational Questions and Mythic Mapping. Discover the initial steps for how to do a Soul Retrieval.

NLP & Healing Linguistics

14-15th & 21-22nd February 2026

Learn powerful linguistic tools for transformation and healing. Discover the power of artful questioning and mythic mapping. Learn processes for shifting your perceptions and inner programming.

East Module - Rebirth

14-17th March 2026

Meet the Light Mothers and journey into the Cauldron of Rebirth. Release what has blocked you from being the truth of who you are. Deepen your understanding of Soul Retrieval and for how to work with the Tree of Life.

Cissi will teach part of this module.

Clinical Module

17-20th April 2026

Practice all your shamanic skills, whilst being supervised. You’ll here be both the practitioner and the client.

Your exam takes place after this module, leading to a Diploma in Shamanic Energy Medicine.

Price for Level 1

You can choose to study in a small group of students, or 1:1 with a teacher.

Small Group: £2575. You pay an initial non-refundable deposit (£500). You then pay the rest in instalments (7 -12 instalments).

1:1 Teaching: £3700. You pay an initial non-refundable deposit, and then the rest in instalments. You gain access to replays of various live lectures which you need to watch before you meet up with your teacher. Then you have 1:1 teaching for all the practical aspects of the training. The NLP Module is always taught in a group.

Fast-Track Option: If you’ve got previous training in Shamanic Energy Medicine, so you are used to working with shamanic healing, soul retrievals, extraction work and ceremonies, then email info@cissiwilliams.com, as you may be able to move through the Level 1 training quicker.

  • deposit to secure your place for small group teaching

    1 Payment of


    This gives you immediate access to the first online training

  • deposit to secure your place for small group teaching

    4 Payments of


    This gives you immediate access to the first online training

  • deposit to secure your place for 1:1 Teaching

    1 payment of


    This gives you immediate access to the first online training


  • Great question!

    The training is very intense requiring the students to go incredibly deep on their healing journey, so if you are new to this, it’s recommend you listen to some of the shamanic journeys on the podcast ‘Awaken Your Inner Wisdom’ (Spotify, Apple and here), such as the following:

    • Mystical Prayer to the Divine Mothers of Darkness & Light

    • Healing and Cleansing Meditation with the Dark Mother

    • Shamanic Healing Journey to the Sacred Chapel with the Black Madonna

    • Meet Freya, the Norse Goddess of Healing, Magic and Witchcraft

    • Heal Deeply and Move through a Soul Retrieval with the Norse Goddess Ran

    • Heal Deeply and Awaken Your Inner Wise Woman with the Norse Goddess Hel

    • Awaken Your Kundalini Energy

    All these journeys (and the prayer) introduce you to some of the material taught on the shamanic training (some are even from the training).

    The journeys also give you an insight into some of the mythical landscape we step into on the shamanic training as all the journeys have been formed through Cissi’s own healing journeys into the mythical landscape of her soul.

    Of course, on the shamanic training, the students learn how to journey into their own mythical landscape - and this is when the real magic happens, as they now learn how to find their own soul medicine, ancient wisdom and soul gifts.

    They also learn how to journey into each others’ mythical landscapes, by taking each other through shamanic healing sessions and soul retrievals.

  • All online training days start at 2pm UK time and finish at 7.30pm UK time.

  • You then train with one of our Certified Teachers, on a 1:1 basis.

    You’ll follow the same curriculum, gaining access to the online trainings, just that instead of being in a group setting, you get private teaching with a Certified Teacher.

    For the practical aspects, when you practice with someone else, your teacher will at times bring another student in, so you get to practice with someone else, whilst you are being supervised by your teacher.

    In this way you can do the south, west, north and east modules at a time that suits you, and your teacher.

    The NLP Module is always in a group setting (dates are fixed. Next one is in August and then after that in February).

  • You only have access to the online courses for as long as you are a student on the training.

    If you choose to also do Level 2, then once you’ve become certified, you also have lifetime access to the online course material (Become Your Own Mystic, Healer & Wise Woman).

  • The time commitment is the following:

    300 hours.

    This training is very intense as it not only requires you to learn new material, but i also invites you to dive deep into the cauldron of healing, transformation, magic and rebirth.

  • The deposit is fully refundable for the first 7 days after you’ve signed up (or for 7 days after you’ve had the initial phone call with Cissi to see if this training is for you). After that the deposit is non-refundable.

  • Yes, everyone pays in instalments (you pay initially for the home study materials and your deposit, and then you pay per module. There are 6 modules in total).

  • If you miss one or two of the online dates, then you can watch the replay videos afterwards, so you can catch up that way. You then also have to book a private mentoring session with your teacher. Each missed day equals 4 hours of missed supervised teaching, and you can book these 4-hour ‘catch-up’ sessions with your teacher (price is £100 for a 4-hour slot).

    Please let us know in advance if you know you might miss some dates.

    Please also bear in mind that each day builds upon each other, so if you miss day 2 of a module, then you may not be able to do day 3 or 4, so you would then need to make up all these days before the next module.

    If we know well in advance that you are going to miss a day in the middle of a module, then we can try to arrange it so that you can do the catch-up for this early in the morning before the following day starts (as we start at 2pm UK time).

    If you will miss many days, or part of days, and especially if they are at the beginning of a module, then it’s advisable to instead come on the training another year when you know you can give it the time it needs.

    This training is very intense, and will require a lot of study and commitment on your part.

  • In the small groups, there will be 4-6 students per teacher.

    You’ll be practising with the other students, whilst being supervised by the teacher team.

  • This training is for all who feel called to awaken their inner feminine wisdom, magic and power.

  • The minimum age for the training is 23.

  • For Level 1 it is voluntary to have sessions (for Level 2 it is a requirement).

    It is, however, very beneficial to have shamanic healing sessions, and your teacher will be offering you a special rate.

    These sessions will help you to go much deeper in your own healing journey.

    Of course, during the training you will both give and receive many sessions with your fellow students - which is wonderful, and how you’ll learn the healing power of shamanic energy medicine.

  • No, absolutely not. In fact, it can often be beneficial as you are then more open to learning how to journey in this intuitive way.

    You will learn shamanic healing, shamanic journeying, extraction work and soul retrieval, so although this training is for your own personal development, you will still dive deep into shamanic energy medicine. This is because you can only develop this deep wisdom within your body, though your experience of shamanic energy medicine.

    If you later want to work with clients, you need to also do Level 2, as you there go much deeper into the world of shamanic energy medicine

  • If you are already certified as a Practitioner in NLP, or as a Master Practitioner in NLP, then you don’t need to do the NLP module. Just send us a copy of your certificate. The training is then £300 cheaper for you (as that is the price you pay for the live online NLP Module).

    Please note that the Shamanic NLP is part of the Shamanic Energy Medicine Training. If you want to later see clients in just NLP, then you need to also do the NLP Practitioner Module so you can be a Certified NLP Practitioner (this module is extra, and not part of Level 1).

  • Yes, Cissi teaches Level 2, which is the Master Training in Shamanic Energy Medicine & Seidr Magic.

    You can only do Level 2 once you’ve passed Level 1, or if you’ve been certified as a Practitioner in Energy Medicine by Cissi previously, or by Lina Lanestrand (in Sweden).

this training is accredited by

international practitioners of holistic medicine

The following trainings are accredited:

  • Diploma in Shamanic Energy Medicine

  • Shamanic Energy Medicine Practitioner

  • Shamanic Energy Medicine Master Practitioner

  • Shamanic NLP Practitioner

  • Shamanic Priestess and Tradition Keeper of the Völva, the Path of the Wise Woman in Norse Shamanism & Seidr Magic.

  • Teacher Training in Shamanic Energy Medicine, Mysticism and Shamanic Healing.

Email info@cissiwilliams.com for more information

If you are not quite ready yet to embark on an intensive training in Shamanic Energy Medicine, but still feel your soul calling you to dive deeper into the cauldron, then why not watch the replay of the free webinar, which also guides you on a shamanic journey?

You can access this free webinar by clicking the button below.