Teacher Training in Shamanic Energy Medicine, Mysticism and Shamanic Healing

All places for the training starting in September 2024 are now full. The next available intake is in 2025/2026.

How is the teacher training different from the other levels?

Stepping up to the level of Teacher is completely different in that you can see and feel the dynamic of the whole group, so you are able to witness what is going on from a much higher level than you’ve done before.

You also hold the energy of the group, so it does demand you make it a priority to connect with Spirit and to work on yourself. 

It’s not a training for the faint-hearted, but for those who feel CALLED to do this work.

What does this training involve?


During the Teacher Training you will be part of the Teacher Team on the live online modules for Level 1 and for Level 2, plus the two Glastonbury Modules with Cissi (for Level 2).

You’ll need to participate in all the training days with Cissi on Level 2 (40 days), plus at least 16 days for Level 1 (you can start assisting on Level 1 in 2025, and then assist on Level 2 in 2026/2027).

You will have daily clinic meetings on all the live online training days - with the Lead Teachers on Level 1, and with Cissi on Level 2.

We meet up 30 minutes before the training starts and we meet up after each training day. This is a VITAL part of the training.

You also participate in 3 Feminine Tracking Sessions with Cissi (just for the Teacher Team).


You need to be available to mentor the students so you can see them for one-on-one sessions (for the student discount price).

You also need to be prepared to have available spaces for free 30-minute Shamanic Soul Mentoring Sessions with the public, as Cissi will be promoting you to her community (and they can of course book private sessions with you).

This is to kick-start your experience, as the only way to become a really skilled shamanic energy medicine practitioner is to see tons of clients - so you practice, practice, practice.

You’ll do journeys on yourself, so you keep deepening your own connection with Spirit.

It will also be a requirement of you to have private sessions with two of the Lead Teachers. This will be at a student price for you.


You need to have seen at least 50 clients before the Teacher Training starts (you can include the case studies you've done during the Level 2 training).

And you need to do at least 50 client sessions during the Teacher Training (you don't write case studies on these, you just make a note of how many sessions you do per month).

This means you need to be prepared to see many clients so you deepen your practice.

The ONLY way for you to deepen your skillset as a practitioner is to practice, practice, practice. There is no way around this!

Requirements needed TO APPLY

🤍 You need to be qualified as a Master Practitioner in Shamanic Energy Medicine, or be enrolled on the Master Practitioner training.

🤍 You need to be certified as an NLP Practitioner by the time you start your Teacher Training.

🤍 You need to be prepared to go outside your comfort zone, and BE the powerhouse you are meant to be.

🤍 You need to fully show up, and BE of service to Spirit.

🤍 You need to realise it is not about YOU, but about those you SERVE.


500 hours of training and clinical practice.

Private spiritual mentoring with the students (shamanic energy medicine), for the student discount price (all money goes to you).

3 Feminine Tracking Clinic Sessions with Cissi (just for the teacher team), where you deepen your tracking skills.

Be ready to receive clients - you must allocate time for this.

At the end, you'll receive a Certificate as a Teacher of Energy Medicine, Mysticism and Shamanic Healing stating you have done a minimum of 1000 hours of training (which includes the previous shamanic training you will have done with Nordic Light Academy of Energy Medicine).


Cissi only allows a few Teacher Training Students at a time.

She’s giving you access to new clients, in the form of students, and clients she’s unable to see herself, and also by promoting you to her community. This gives you plenty of experience, something that normally takes years to develop.

You have to apply and have an interview with Cissi first, so she can see if this level of training is for you.

The sooner you apply, the sooner you can start assisting on Level 1 (which runs from October 2025 to April 2026). You then move into the more formal Teacher Training with Cissi on Level 2 which starts in September 2026 (email for dates).

The investment in the Teacher Training is £8000 (which is paid in monthly instalments, of 14x£500, or 20x£350, plus the deposit of £1000).

The non-refundable deposit is £1000 (which can also be paid in instalments).

* The course fee does not include food and accommodation, or ticket to Stonehenge. 

* Once you’ve done the Teacher Training in Shamanic Energy Medicine, you can do the Teacher Training in Seidr Magic (for more information read here.)