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A Shamanic Journey through

The Wheel of the Year

to Awaken Your Inner Wisdom

with Cissi Williams

An ONLINE COURSE where you’ll journey with Goddess Archetypes and Spirit Animal Guides to embrace the medicine of the seasons

A sacred journey into the mythical landscape of your soul, guiding you through a deep transformation and rebirth

What is the Wheel of the Year?

The Wheel of the Year is a sacred map that guides you through the cyclical dance of life, death, and rebirth. Rooted in ancient wisdom traditions and enriched by modern spirituality, it celebrates the changing seasons as powerful gateways for transformation.

This sacred journey invites you to reconnect with the rhythms of Mother Earth, allowing her to become your teacher. She shows you how to embrace the medicine of both darkness and light, helping you to blossom and expand into the next expression of your soul’s light and wisdom – just as Mother Earth herself does through her seasons of autumn, winter, spring and summer.

Through eight seasonal festivals, you move through portals of transformation, guided by the wisdom of goddess archetypes who carry the essence and medicine of that season.

At the Autumn Equinox, you descend into the mythical landscape of your soul with Persephone as your guide. At Winter Solstice, you receive the light of new dreams and visions from the Cosmic Womb, assisted by the nurturing energies of Mother Mary and the Black Madonna. At the Spring Equinox, you move through your own rebirth, emerging from the underworld, carrying your soul gifts – ready to say YES to that which lights you up, so you can follow your Highest Path. And at the Summer Solstice, guided by Mary Magdalene, you awaken your inner ‘witch-within-wood’ —the golden light of your soul— so you can embody this radiant light and begin to share your feminine magic and soul gifts with the world.

The Wheel also invites you to connect with spirit animals guides, the guardians of nature’s wisdom. Raven brings divine messages from the Spirit World, Wolf teaches you the power of boundaries, Owl helps you witness the light, however dark the world seems, and Firefox journeys with you to receive the magic of new creations.

By journeying through the Wheel of the Year, you align yourself with these sacred cycles and archetypes, weaving their timeless magic into your life. This journey is a sacred invitation to dance with the seasons of darkness and light, awakening your feminine wisdom, and weaving your soul gifts into your world.

Module One: Autumn Equinox

22nd September 2025


MODULE 1: journey into the mythical landscape of your soul with persephone

The Autumn Equinox is a time of balance, when day and night are once again equal.

In Greek mythology, this is when Persephone descends into the underworld, so she can become our guide in the darkness, helping us to transform our wounds into wisdom and shadows into light.

You’ll journey with Persephone deep into the mythical landscape of your soul, where you’ll also meet Hecate, the Goddess of the Crossroads, who will hold up a light for you, so you can witness what needs to be transformed. She’ll also give you a key to unlock your hidden potential.

Module 1 consists of lectures on the Autumn Equinox, the Dark Mothers Persephone and Hecate, the Medicine of the Serpent Mother, as well as inquiry processes, and a shamanic journey guiding you deep into the mythical landscape of your soul.

Module two: Samhain

31st October 2025


MODULE 2: Journey into the Cauldron of TRANSFORMATION WITH THE DARK MOTHERs Hel & Cerridwen

Samhain is a sacred time, filled with magic, when the veil between this world and the spiritual realm is thinner, giving us an opportunity to connect with our ancestors, and journey into the magic and wisdom found in our bloodline.

At this portal of transformation, the Dark Mother calls us to journey deeper into her sacred cauldron of transformation. As we trust her wisdom, and surrender into her loving arms, we shed that which we’re meant to let go of, so we create room for us to receive the light of new dreams and visions when the light returns at the Winter Solstice.

Module 2 consists of lectures on Samhain, as well as on the Dark Mothers Hel and Cerridwen, and on the animal guides Wolf and Raven.

The shamanic journey will take you through the 7 gates into the underworld, moving you through a deep transformation. You’ll also receive the pomegranate seeds of new light – the light of something new you will later birth into your life.

You’ll receive a link for a live webinar, which takes place on the 4th of November 2025 (replay is available in your course portal afterwards).

Module three: Winter Solstice

21st December 2025


MODULE 3: Journey to the Cosmic Womb and receive NEW VISIONS & DREAMS FROM THE Divine MOTHERS

The Winter Solstice is the darkest day of the year, marking the rebirth of light. The term “solstice” means “the sun stands still,” reflecting a sacred pause, as if Mother Earth herself is holding her breath in preparation for her own rebirth.

This is a time known as “Dreamtime,” a powerful period when psychic gateways open, enabling us to receive the light of new dreams and visions that we are meant to bring into the world.

The Winter Solstice has been celebrated for thousands of years across many ancient wisdom traditions. This reverence is evident in the alignment of stone altars and earth temples – such as Stonehenge, Machu Picchu, and Newgrange designed to honour the birthing of the light at this sacred time.

Module 3 includes lectures on the Winter Solstice, plus on the Black Madonna, Mother Mary, the Sun Goddess, and the Moon Goddess Arianrhod. You’ll also meet the Animal Guides Owl and White Reindeer.

The shamanic journey will guide you to the Cosmic Womb, where you’ll receive the light of new dreams and visions.

Module four: Imbolc

1st February 2026


MODULE 4: Igniting the Divine Flame in your heart with brigid and saga

The Wheel of the Year turns once again, as the returning light begins to activate life all around you, signaling the shift from winter to early spring.

This light carries the promise of new beginnings, nourishing the dreams and visions you conceived during the Winter Solstice, so they can start to take root in your life.

In the Celtic seasonal calendar, Imbolc marks the beginning of spring. The word “imbolg” means “in the belly,” referring to the potential of new life now stirring within nature. Mother Earth begins to shed her winter clothes, preparing for her own rebirth, which will later culminate in the blossoming of spring.

Just as Mother Earth casts off her winter layers, we too are invited to release old thoughts and perceptions that have been shut away in the darker regions of our minds. By doing so, we create space for the seeds of new dreams and visions to be nurtured within our hearts and souls.

Module 4 includes lectures on Imbolc, the animal guides Mama Bear and the Cosmic Cow, as well as on the Celtic goddess Brigid, and the Norse goddesses Saga and Skadi.

You’ll go on a shamanic journey where you’ll ignite your inner fire, release thoughts that no longer serve you, allowing you to choose love instead of fear, and strengthen your inner power so you can shoot your dreams high up into the sky.

You’ll also receive a link for a live webinar, which takes place on the 3rd of February 2026 (replay is available in your course portal afterwards).

Module five: Spring Equinox

20th March 2026


MODULE 5: A portal of rebirth

The Spring Equinox heralds a time of rebirth, as from this day onward, the light begins to increase in our lives. This is a season of renewal, where the magic of love ignites the spark of life all around us.

In mythology, this is the moment when Persephone ascends from the underworld as the Spring Maiden, bringing with her the gifts of new life.

The Spring Equinox has been celebrated as a time of new beginnings for thousands of years. In ancient Egypt, the Festival of Isis was honoured as a symbol of rebirth, illustrating how Isis resurrected her husband, Osiris. Similarly, the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection at Easter – which takes place after the first full moon following the Spring Equinox – carries the same themes of renewal and transformation.

This is a time to embrace new beginnings and celebrate the rebirth of life all around us.

Module 5 includes lectures on the Spring Equinox, medicine from the animal guides Firefox and Eagle, and teachings from the Norse goddess Idun, who guides you to your Highest Destiny, and Kore, the aspect of Persephone reborn as the Spring Maiden upon her return from the underworld.

You’ll go on a shamanic journey with Persephone and Isis, moving through your own rebirth, so you can emerge from the underworld carrying your soul gifts, and ready to say YES to that which lights you up, so you can follow your Highest Path.

Module six: Beltaine

1st May 2026


MODULE 6: Igniting your inner magic

Beltaine marks the start of summer, a festival celebrating love and the blossoming of life.

At this time, the veil between worlds is thin, inviting us to step into the magic of creation and begin to birth our dreams into being. Bonfires are lit, symbolising the ignition of our inner passion and the nurturing of our dreams and visions. This is also a time to ignite our inner magic!

The festival's name is derived from the Old Irish term "Bel taine," meaning "bright fire." This fiery energy reminds us to awaken our inner fire – our soul’s passion – to fuel our dreams and visions with vibrant life force and to fully embrace our feminine magic.

Module 6 includes lectures on Beltaine, teachings from the animal guides Lynx and Phoenix, and wisdom from the Norse goddess Freya, who will show you how to RISE in your feminine magic and power.

You’ll also receive a link for a live webinar, which takes place on the 5th of May 2026 (replay is available in your course portal afterwards).

Module seven: Summer Solstice

21st June 2026



The Summer Solstice marks the longest day of the year and is a time to celebrate life’s fullness and the abundance of light, awakening our inner life force.

Also known as Litha, meaning "light," this is the day when it seems as though the sun stands still in the heavens at noon, casting its light well into the evening.

The Summer Solstice is a celebration of the cycles of death and rebirth. As the wheel turns, we move from light into darkness, where our outer energy begins to wane, allowing our inner energy to expand, while at the Winter Solstice, we move from darkness into light.

The solstices act as portals of new consciousness. As you step through the portal of the Summer Solstice, you’re invited to reflect on what you wish to let go of and what you want to carry with you into this new phase of expansion and transformation.

The Summer Solstice has been celebrated for thousands of years, as evidenced by ancient stone circles like Stonehenge, which aligns with the Solstice sunrise. In Sweden, Midsummer is one of the most celebrated holidays, featuring traditional dances around the maypole, a symbol of the Tree of Life, connecting Heaven and Earth, so we are rooted in life, while also receiving the magical light from Spirit.

Module 7 includes lectures on the Summer Solstice, the Tree of Life, and Kundalini Rising, as well as medicine from the animal guide Swan Priestess and teachings from Mary Magdalene.

You’ll also embark on a shamanic journey to awaken the ‘witch-within-wood’—the golden light of your soul, your inner ancient feminine wisdom- so you can embody this radiant light and begin to share her feminine magic with the world.

Module eight: Lammas

1st August 2026


MODULE 8: Giving thanks for the seeds of the harvest

Lammas is a celebration of gratitude for the first harvest, a feast that honours the abundance of Mother Earth.

In the Greek myth of Persephone, her mother Demeter, the Corn Mother, provides the grain for the harvest, offering life-sustaining food to the people. During Lammas, Demeter represents the ripe corn of the harvest, while Persephone symbolises the seed that drops back into the earth, hidden throughout the dark winter months. When the light returns, that seed reappears as new life, embodying the cycle of death and rebirth.

This is the deeper meaning of Lammas – the understanding that the fulfilment of this year’s harvest already holds the seeds of all future harvests.

Module 8 includes lectures on Lammas, teachings from Demeter, and medicine from Mama Bear, who shows us the importance of receiving nourishment in preparation for our descent into the underworld at the Autumn Equinox.

You’ll also go on a shamanic journey, giving thanks for the abundance in your life, receiving nourishment from Mother Earth, and beginning to shed what is no longer needed, preparing for your descent into the Cauldron of Transformation.

Module nine: Becoming the Wise One

22nd September 2026



You are now ready to journey as the Wise One into the Underworld, like Persephone, to heal even more. This time, you have a deeper understanding of the medicine of the Dark Mother, and you journey with your inner crone energy – the wise woman within you, your inner witch – so you can become the midwife of birthing a new you when the light returns.

You can now continue this journey each year, as every time you do, you’ll witness new things to transform, going even deeper than the previous year. This is how you continue to spiral deeper and deeper into your own feminine wisdom, awakening the ancient magic within you – the magic that is the spark of all creation.

Module 9 consists of lectures on the Wise Woman, the cycles of life, death, and rebirth, and how you are now the Queen, choosing to journey into the Underworld so you can awaken even more magic within you. You’ll also go on a shamanic journey to the Cauldron of Creation, meeting the Three Ancient Mothers, who will share the wisdom and medicine they feel you need so you can follow your soul’s path.

Unlock these bonus gifts when you sign up

Healing & Cleansing Meditation

This meditation with Cissi helps you to let go of toxins, negativity, fear and old thought patterns – many of which aren’t even yours, but that you’ve picked up from others. It also assists you in healing and cleansing your nervous system.

Journey to Your Soul’s Temple

An audio recording with Cissi where she guides you on a journey to your soul's temple, so you can start to understand with more clarity what your soul's mission is, what you are here to share and how you best can do that.

Meet your ancestors

An audio recording with Cissi where you’ll journey to meet your ancestors, and also one of the ancient shamans from your ancestral lineage (we all have one, when we go far enough back in time).

INCLUDED in the course

🤍 Online Portal to access your course content, and you have lifetime access. You gain access to each module, as that particular season starts, beginning with the Autumn Equinox on the 22nd of September.

🤍 9 PDF Guides (one for each module) with inquiry questions and journalling prompts. This helps you go deeper in your own healing and transformation.

🤍 18 audio recordings of shamanic journeys guiding you to experience the medicine found in each season (2 for each module). These journeys help you develop a stronger connection with the various goddess archetypes and animal guides so they can become your teachers.

🤍 Video lectures in each of the 9 modules (outlining the medicine for that season and its associated goddess archetypes and animal guides).

🤍 Invite to 3 live Zoom webinars with Cissi. These webinars take place at 6pm UK time, on 4th November 2025, 3rd February 2026 and 5th of May 2026. All the webinars are recorded, and the replay is available in your course portal within 48hrs.

ONCE the course BEGINS you also gain access to

🤍 A PDF Guide outlining the different seasons of the Wheel of the Year.

🤍 A PDF Guide outlining the different phases of the Moon and how you can work with the Moon from a shamanic perspective.

🤍 A PDF Guide outlining the transformational power found in Fire Ceremonies and how you can work with the medicine of Fire from a shamanic perspective.

🤍 Introduction to the medicine from your inner Maiden, Mother, Queen and Crone – and a shamanic journey to meet them all.

🤍 Introduction to the 4 elements - Earth, Water, Air and Fire – and a shamanic journey to meet the Spirit Keeper of each element.

Full price £555

If bookED before 21st of June, the price is only £444

The course starts at the Autumn Equinox in September. You’ll gain immediate access to the Bonus Gifts.

  • Wheel of the year

    Payment in full


    You gain immediate access to the bonus gifts. The course starts at the Autumn Equinox.

  • Wheel of the year

    10 monthly instalments

    £49 (per month)

    You gain immediate access to the bonus gifts. The course starts at the Autumn Equinox.

  • Combine with 'Introduction to Shamanic Energy Medicine'

    Combine the 5-modular ‘Introduction to Shamanic Energy Medicine’ course with the Wheel of the Year Course so you get both courses (for only £555, instead of full price of £740).

    You gain immediate access to this 5-modular course, plus the bonus gifts. You can read more about this course here.

Please note NO REFUNDS ARE GIVEN on this discounted price


Cissi Williams is an Osteopath, Naturopath, NLP Trainer, and Teacher of Energy Medicine, Mysticism, Shamanic Healing & Seidr. She’s initiated as a Priestess of Freyja, Tradition Keeper of the Völva (Norse shamanism and magic).

She started her healing journey in 1992, when she had her first Dark Night of the Soul experience. This brought her into an immense darkness, where she finally fell on her knees and prayed.

Her prayer was answered in the form of three books: The Power Is Within You by Louise Hay, Love Is the Answer by Gerald Jampolsky, and Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain. As she read these books, she could feel the darkness lift, and through doing the exercises outlined in the books, she healed her depression in six weeks. She then knew we have the power to heal within us. This led her to want to learn more about health and healing, so she earned a 4-year university degree in London – and qualified in 1997 with First Class Honours in Osteopathic Medicine, and with a Diploma in Naturopathy.

In 2002 she started her training in NLP and hypnosis, which later led her into the world of shamanism. She’s done shamanic training from various wisdom traditions, including Incan, Norse, and Celtic.

Cissi has done more than 25,000 healing sessions, and she’s guided many more to tune in to their inner wisdom and connect with Spirit’s guidance through her teachings, and Awaken Your Inner Wisdom, a podcast with over 350,000 unique downloads. Her passion is to help you tune in to your inner wisdom, as she knows there is an incredible power embedded in your bones – the power of the Wise Woman – who is longing to be awakened and rise once more, so she can share her medicine with the world.

Her new book is being published in April 2025 with Inner Tradition/Findhorn Press.


  • You have lifelong access to the course.

  • Each module consists of lectures, guided shamanic journeys and PDF’s, and will take you around 2-3hrs to complete.

    The course has been created in such a way that it will give you the information and inspiration you need, to unlock the transformation of each portal, but without overburdening you.

    Hence there are only 18 journeys for the whole course, which works out around 2 journeys per module (3 on the initial module, 2 on all the others, and one on the last module).

    One journey takes you deep, where you are being guided by the Goddess Archetypes. And one journey is where you meet the Animal Guides so you can strengthen your connection with them.

    You gain access to each module as we enter into that season.

    Each season lasts 6 weeks so you have plenty of time to go through the material for that season before we move into the next one.

    You will also be sent the link for the 3 live Zoom webinars, which take place on Samhain, Imbolc and Beltane.

  • The bonus gifts will be emailed to you as soon as you sign up.

  • No refunds given on this discounted price.