replay of free webinar


with Cissi Williams

Discover how Shamanic Energy Medicine can help you awaken the feminine magic, wisdom and power that’s embedded within your bones, from your own ancestral lineage.

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What shamanism is, and how shamanic journeying can help you awaken the magic and wisdom found in your ancestral lineage.

How the Tree of Life is a representation of your nervous system, and how it gives you the map for journeying into different domains of reality - Lower World, Middle World and Upper World.

What the Spiritual Eye of the Heart is and how it assists you when you do shamanic journeying.

How your body is a portal into your deeper wisdom, and why your healing journey helps you discover the medicine and soul gifts you are meant to share.


You’ll also discover:

Who the Wise Woman is, and how she’s embedded within your bones and flowing through your veins.

The Dark Mothers (lunar goddesses) and Light Mothers (solar goddesses), and how they can help you heal, transform and blossom.

The medicine of the sacred darkness and the magical light, and how both are needed for life to flourish.

The Womb of Creation in the Lower World and the Womb of Creation in the Upper World.

At the end of the webinar Cissi will guide you on a shamanic journey where you’ll connect with your Tree of Life, and the Ancient Mother within your core, so you can heal and strengthen your ancestral roots. You’ll also visit the Womb of Creation in the Lower World to receive the seeds of feminine magic and wisdom you are meant to embody, and the Womb of Creation in the Upper World to receive the light-filled seeds of your highest potential and dreams you are meant to weave into your life.



Cissi Williams is an Osteopath, Naturopath, NLP Trainer, and Teacher of Energy Medicine, Mysticism, Shamanic Healing & Seidr. She’s initiated as a Priestess of Freyja, Tradition Keeper of the Völva (Norse shamanism and magic).

She started her healing journey in 1992, when she had her first Dark Night of the Soul experience. This brought her into an immense darkness, where she finally fell on her knees and prayed. Her prayer was answered in the form of three books: The Power Is Within You by Louise Hay, Love Is the Answer by Gerald Jampolsky, and Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain. As she read these books, she could feel the darkness lift, and through doing the exercises outlined in the books, she healed her depression in six weeks. She then knew we have the power to heal within us. This led her to want to learn more about health and healing, so she earned a 4-year university degree in London — and qualified in 1997 with First Class Honors in Osteopathic Medicine, and with a Diploma in Naturopathy.


In 2002 she started her training in NLP and hypnosis, which later led her into the world of shamanism. She’s done shamanic training from various wisdom traditions, including Incan, Norse, and Celtic.

Cissi has done more than 25,000 healing sessions, and she’s guided many more to tune in to their inner wisdom and connect with Spirit’s guidance through her teachings, and Awaken Your Inner Wisdom, a podcast with over 350,000 unique downloads. Her passion is to help you tune in to your inner wisdom, as she knows there is an incredible power embedded in your bones — the power of the Wise Woman — who is longing to be awakened and rise once more, so she can share her medicine with the world.

Her new book is being published in April/May 2025 with Inner Tradition/Findhorn Press.